ŚŪNYATĀ (Short Film, created by David Cordon, written by Liv Parkinson, Produced by Annabel Bates and Karima Sammout-Kanellopoulou)
A new-born creature searches for the meaning of existence in an environment full of decay and horror.
SILENCE IS AN OPINION (feature length documentary)
Ten women talk about their experiences of sexual abuse at the hands of people they trusted.
CONVERSATIONS (feature length documentary)
Four complete strangers speak openly about family, war and legacy, reflecting on the present and the future of modern society.
TOADS & BLUEBOTTLES (Short Animated film, written by David Cordon)
When Charlie's best friend and comrade Matt suddenly decides to grow up, he is left behind to dream alone.
CONSTANCE (feature length film, written by Alex Gudmestad & David Cordon)
A courageous teenage girl fights to regain freedom, after her father betrayed her and sold her to a merciless smuggler in the middle of the desert.